ALL IN Mountain Brook
Your well-being. Our passion.

Suicide Prevention
In partnership with Mountain Brook Schools, All In Mountain Brook offers this resource guide to the prevention of youth suicide. This page is intended as a starting point for those young people struggling with suicidal feelings, their families, and their friends.

Struggling Yourself?
If you are here because you are struggling with suicidal feelings, we urge you to reach out to the trusted adults in your life. Know that you can get help. Please fight any feelings you have that there is no help and no hope. One of the most common causes of suicidal feelings is clinical depression. Depression alters your thinking and convince you that there is no hope, that your friends and families will be better off without you, that the pain you are experiencing can never get better. Those thoughts are symptoms of depression–a true illness that ANYONE can get.
Know that the vast majority of people who struggle with suicidal feelings, do not die by suicide. They live on to learn that there is hope. In turn, awareness of hope allows many to survive the hardest of times.
The stigma facing those who have depression, mental illness, and suicidal feelings may not be entirely gone, but it has been greatly reduced. So we strongly encourage young people who struggle in these areas to reach out to those who can help.
In addition to reaching out to trusted adults, there are resources listed below where you can seek support and help.
Concerned about a young person?
If you are here because someone you know is struggling with suicidal feelings, please do not keep silent. Sometimes we make promises to keep secret things that are said to us and then realize that secrecy may prevent someone from getting help. If you have made a promise to keep secret a friend’s struggle with suicidal feelings, please put that aside. Insist that your friend talk to his or her parents, school counselor, doctor, youth minister, or some trusted adult. If he or she won’t reach out, please reach out yourself. Immediately seek advice from your parents, from your school counselor, or speak to one of the resource agencies or persons below.

Youth Suicide Warning Signs:
Talking about or making plans for suicide
Expressing hopelessness about the future
Displaying severe/overwhelming emotional pain or distress
Showing worrisome behavioral cues or marked changes in behavior, particularly in the presence of the warning signs above. Specifically, this includes significant:
Withdrawal from or changing in social connections/situations
Changes in sleep (increased or decreased)
Anger or hostility that seems out of character or out of context
Recent increased agitation or irritability
If you know someone who has any of the warning signs, there are things that you can do to help:
Ask them if they are okay and listen to them like a true friend.
Tell them you are worried and concerned about them and that they are not alone.
Talk to an adult you trust about your concerns.
If you are the parent of someone who has
warning signs:
Ask if they are having thoughts of suicide
Do all you can to prevent access to methods of suicide, particularly guns.
Firearms should be removed from premises, or securely locked away.
There are multiple online resources for information on securing firearms. -
Express your concern about what you are observing in their behavior
Listen attentively and non-judgmentally
Reflect on what they share and let them know they have been heard
Tell them they are not alone
Let them know there are treatments available that can help
Guide them to professional help
The Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale

This is the Columbia Protocol Community Card. How do you help someone who is suicidal? The first step in suicide prevention is awareness — knowing when someone is in crisis. That’s often not obvious, because many people suffer in silence or give no sign that they might harm themselves. As a family member, friend, neighbor, or colleague, you can make a difference by using the Columbia Protocol — also known as Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) — to help determine when someone is at risk for suicide and how to help.
The Columbia Protocol Community Card is the one best suited for use by family members, friends, and others who have a relationship with a person who may be at risk. It involves asking just three to six questions, but the answers provide enough information to determine whether someone needs help and if immediate action is needed. The questions’ plain language also may make it easier for you to talk to someone who may be suicidal.
You do not have to memorize these questions. You can say to someone you are concerned about that you heard about these questions to help determine if someone might be feeling suicidal and that you would like to look at the questions together. Then look them up!
Get Help
Suicide Prevention Information
from the national Suicide Prevention Lifeline
UTalk at the Crisis Center
click and you can call or text a trained person
Save a Friend: Tips for Teens to Prevent Suicide (Natl Assoc. School Psychologists)

Preventing Youth Suicide: Tips for Parents & Educators
Get Help
For Emergencies Related To Suicide Danger
Call 911 or 998
Go the nearest hospital emergency department. UAB and Children’s of Alabama are among the emergency departments that are staffed to deal with suicidal emergencies at all times.
Crisis Center (Birmingham)
CRISIS LINE: (205) 323-7777. Information on the web:
UTALK FOR TEENS: Call or Text (205) 328-5465. Text counseling is available from 3:00 pm – 10:00 pm every single day. More information on the web
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
1-800-273-8255 or 988
Prevention of Youth Suicide: Tips for Parents & Educators
For Mental Health Care
If you or your friend/family member is not in immediate danger, seek out mental health evaluation and care.
Start with your pediatrician or physician. Your doctor will be able to assist in getting an appointment with a psychologist, psychiatrist, or other licensed mental health professional.
Children’s Of Alabama Psychiatric Intake Response Center
Phone triage services are provided to anyone with a youth-oriented mental health concern. Staff assesses the mental health needs of the child or teen based on the adult caller’s description or in-person intake assessment and determines the appropriate level of care needed.
8:00 am – 11:00 pm
Call 205-638-7472 (PIRC)
Mountain Brook City Schools Contacts
While not able to handle emergencies, the following professionals in the Mountain Brook School System can often assist with referrals and for assisting with supportive services at school.
Certified staff (administrators, teachers, counselors) at Mountain Brook Schools are trained in awareness of youth suicide. If we are aware that a student may be struggling with suicidal feelings, we hope to be able to work with the student and parents to do what we can to be helpful and supportive.
Students and parents may contact the following individuals regarding students who are struggling with suicidal feelings.
Mountain Brook City Schools: 205-877-8349
Amanda Hood, Director of Student Services
Mountain Brook City Schools: 205-414-3800
Carrie Busby, Principal
Eric Hollis, Assistant Principal
Lars Porter, Assistant Principal
Mountain Brook High School Counseling Department: 205-414-3847
Kenneth Harkless (Student Assistance Counselor)
Ellanor Dukes
Elizabeth Tiley
Rebecca Goodson
Mountain Brook Junior High: 205-871-3516
Donald Clayton, Principal
Derek Kennedy, Assistant Principal
Brook Gibbons, Assistant Principal
Mountain Brook Junior High Counseling Dept: 205-877-8346
Casey Lancaster
Katherine Jankowski
Rachel Proctor
Marjee Frier
Brookwood Forest Elementary: 205-414-3700
Nathan Pitner, Principal
Ashley Crossno, Assistant Principal
Ashley Elliott, Counselor
Cherokee Bend Elementary: 205-871-3595
Brannon Aaron, Principal
Carla Dudley, Assistant Principal
Laura Witcher, Counselor
Crestline Elementary: 205-871-8126
Christy Christian, Principal
Josh Watkins, Assistant Principal
Catherine Waters, Assistant Principal
Liz Fry, Counselor
Leah Treadwell, Counselor
Mountain Brook Elementary: 205-871-8191
Ashley McCombs, Principal
Heather Mays, Assistant Principal
Anna Carlisle, Counselor